The Familiar lion drinking fountain at the entrance to the Manitowoc Lincoln Park Zoo is “missing.” But, don’t worry it’s just away getting-a-makeover. Vicky Rathsack, Curator of Education and Special Events at the zoo, tells us that the lion was taken out a couple of weeks ago, “The plan is to send it to Sparta, Wisconsin. There is a company called F.A.S.T Corporation and that acronym is Fiberglass Animals Shapes and Trademarks. They are going to give him a little bit of a facelift, refurbish him a little bit, and make him look a lot better. He was kind of falling apart out there. We’re going to bring him back in a couple of weeks and hopefully, by this summer he will be up and running again.” This particular drinking fountain was brand new in 1993.

Lincoln Park Zoo 1987
The zoo had another lion before him that looked exactly the same.
Rathsack commented on all of the social media buzz surrounding the missing lion, “We were very surprised at how many people actually noticed that he was gone.”
But, as Vicky says, “You don’t miss something until it’s gone.”