American Pop Artist/Author Michael Albert brings his “Modern Pop Art Experience” to Brown County Library this summer as part of his Summer Pop Art Tour. New York-based Albert, the author of an artist autobiography titled, “An Artist’s America” (published by Henry Holt in 2008), is known for making detailed and colorful collages out of cereal boxes and other printed cardboard consumer packages including crackers, cookies, soda cartons, frozen pizza boxes, etc. He is taking his art on the road and bringing his unique program for kids, teens, and families to over 100 libraries, museums & festivals in 18 states from June-August including a series of programs around the state. This will be his first visit to Wisconsin.
Albert will be visiting the Brown County Central Library, 515 Pine Street, downtown Green Bay, on Tuesday, July 30 and the Brown County East Branch Library, 2255 Main Street, on Wednesday, July 31 for two art-making sessions with kids and teens (ages 6-12) and their parents. Both programs will take place from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Participants will listen to a short presentation by the artist about his life and work and have a chance to create their own collage using the same materials he uses to create his masterpieces. All those who make a collage will receive a free signed limited edition poster (choosing from a selection of over 14 different prints), compliments of the artist.
For more information about the artist & this special program, please visit or call the Central Library’s Youth Services Department at 920-448-5846 for more details.