Amid Coronavirus concerns, many people are worried about how they are going to get their prescriptions. If you get yours from Holy Family Memorial Hospital, you can simply go through their drive-thru.
We spoke with Holly Dewane, the Managing Pharmacist from HFM, and she said their drive-up window is a huge advantage. “We are trying to steer most of our customers to using that drive-up window so that we can minimize that face to face exposure,” Dewane told They are also sanitizing the signature devices after each transaction as well.
While Holy Family does not do a prescription delivery service per se, they do mail out some prescriptions to certain patients on a monthly basis. Dewane explained that some insurance payers are allowing HFM to bypass the mailout restrictions, to allow more customers to receive their prescriptions via the mail.
Dewane also said that they have been busy, but not necessarily more busy than normal. She said, “People are being more proactive about getting their medication ahead of when they run out, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of people that are looking for supplies months or weeks ahead of when they would need.”
Dewane reiterated everything that has been recommended by the Department of Health and the CDC about social distancing and maintaining good hygiene. She said if everyone does these things “We will all be able to ride this out a little more comfortably.”
Barb Schlei from Manitowoc Pharmacy talks about prescription delivery for residents, “They can give us a call and they can give us prescription information off the bottle and we will call their pharmacy and transfer the prescription to our store and then we can go ahead and deliver.” She told, “We do deliver only in the city limits, so keep that in mind. And if somebody is concerned about coming into the store, their elderly and out of the City delivery, we can make arrangements to do a carhop type of situation.” For questions on this service, Manitowoc Pharmacy can be reached at (920) 684-6789.
If you have any questions about what your specific pharmacy offers, simply give them a call.