Manitowoc County Public Health Officer, Mary Halada, has rescinded yesterday’s order extending the provisions of the Safer at Home order in Manitowoc County until May 20th. The Health Department says this is in an effort to stay consistent with Brown County who rescinded their extension earlier today.
“One of the reasons we extended the order in Manitowoc County was to be consistent with Brown County, who is dealing with a much more significant outbreak. We didn’t want to draw the virus into Manitowoc County by leaving our bars, restaurants, and other locations open to attract Brown County residents,” said County Executive, Bob Ziegelbauer. “We want to remain consistent and that’s why we’re following Brown County’s lead in rescinding our order too.”
The Manitowoc County Health Department says that businesses who choose to open are highly encouraged to follow safety guidelines setup by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. These guidelines can be found at
Residents are also urged to continue practicing social distancing whenever possible by avoiding crowds, maintaining social distance of 6 or more feet, wearing a cloth mask if they can, washing their hands frequently, covering coughs & sneezes, and staying home if they are feeling sick. Residents in high-risk categories are especially encouraged to continue following “Safer at Home” guidelines.
The full Manitowoc County Health Department Order #6 can be found below.