Like other public and private schools, Roncalli High School has been offering “virtual” learning since March 18th, due to COVID-19. President John Stelzer tells he’s very proud of Roncalli students, faculty, and staff for their adjustment to personalized virtual education. “The kids have done a great job,” Steltzer said. “Our teachers have really tried to keep in mind what our mission is, and what the mission of a good teacher is, and that is relationship building, and care and concern for students,” Stelzer added administrators and staff have reached out individually and talked to each family with students at the school.
The Roncalli President explained they’re trying to maintain as many traditions, while also following the guidelines of healthcare professionals. As for graduation, Stelzer said the ceremony has been moved from the original date of Sunday, May 24th. Steltzer explained, “Our plan right now is to have a traditional graduation. That has been rescheduled for July 31st. Our tradition has a mass for all of our families, followed by the graduation ceremony.” He says they’ll adjust their annual Scholarship and Awards ceremony for students to a virtual program on May 20th.
A group of Roncalli staff members is delivering lawn signs congratulating those in the senior class. They are also taking, from a safe distance, some “porch portraits” to create a special memory of the 2020 graduating class.