A free drive-up Community Testing site for those experiencing symptoms of COVID 19 will be held May 21st and 22nd at the Manitowoc County Expo Center.
Emergency Management Director Travis Waack says tests will be administered each day between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
No appointment is needed but you must have symptoms to be tested that include:
- cough
- shortness of breath
- fever
- chills
- repeated shaking with chills
- muscle pain
- headache
- sore throat
- new loss of taste or smell.
People who wish to be tested are asked to enter through the Main/Ice Center Gate at the Intersection of Expo Drive and Vista Road and follow signs towards the testing site.
Testing will be conducted with a collected nasal swab while you remain in your vehicle. Samples will be sent to a lab each evening and you’ll be notified of results in a few days via phone.
This collaborative effort is made possible by the Manitowoc County Health Department, County Emergency Services and the Wisconsin National Guard.
The tests being conducted are to show current COVID-19 infections for people with symptoms and are not antibody tests that show past infection or immunity.
Waack also stated that, “This special Community Testing Site is designed as a temporary effort to help boost testing being done by local healthcare providers to identify and help stop the spread of the virus. The site can process up to 400 tests each of the two days. It is not intended to be a long term testing solution. Local doctors and hospitals will be providing ongoing testing in the long term.”