This past weekend was beautiful, weather wise, which was perfect for some boat racing on Lake Michigan.
The Catamaran Racing Association of Wisconsin, or CRAW, was at Neshotah Beach on Saturday and Sunday to hold an event for their organization. We spoke with Clay Selsmeyer from CRAW, who explained they chose Two Rivers because the recently lost a venue in Racine to race on Lake Michigan.
Clay said, “It seemed like a really good opportunity to contact Two Rivers and take advantage of Neshotah Beach, being such a prime venue.” Clay said he “checked it out on Google Earth, and I could tell just from the satellite imagery that it was going to be a good place for us to launch out of.”
The Green Bay resident said he had heard some good things about the beach including the fact that it, under normal circumstances, has a lot of beach space, but “this year proved to be somewhat of a concern given the high water levels, but it worked out.”
Clay told that despite not being able to race on Saturday due to the high waves on the Lake, he received great feedback from members of the group.
On top of organizing and running this past weekend’s race, Clay ended up finishing first with his father Guy.
Up next for the group is another weekend race at Windjammers Sailing Club in Green Bay, which Clay will also be organizing.