As Old Man Winter begins to blow his icy breath over the area, many people are adjusting how they are taking care of their pets.
According to Dr. Carol Osborne, a world-renowned veterinarian, one of the most important things to remember, specifically with dogs, is to cover their feet. “Today they have all kinds of great booties, just as nice as they have for you and me,” she told SeehaferNews.com.
“[Another thing] to think of is when it’s very cold out, not only do pets not want to go outside, but a lot of them will not go to the bathroom properly, which can lead to all sorts of issues.” In order to avoid those issues, Dr. Osborne suggests that you shovel a small patch of the lawn for your puppy to tinkle, and to put up a little tent if possible. She said the goal should be to “Make it as cozy as possible to encourage your pet to do their business properly and not end up with all kinds of issues.”
Osborne also said that the nose, ears, and the tip of the animal’s tail are the most likely to get frostbitten, so you should keep an eye on those parts of your pet, and take them to the vet if you believe they have been nipped by the cold.