A Sheboygan woman has been inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame.
Honored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Program, Nancy Kissel was one of 20 people inducted during the ceremony held at the Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.
Kissel’s 66 years of 4-H involvement started as a high-achieving 4-H member.
Her three sons and extended family have also been actively involved in 4-H.
Nancy founded a robust 4-H community club, serving as 4-H general leader (35 yrs.) and more as 4-H project leader.
Her expansive 4-H volunteer contributions include roles at the county, state, and national levels.
Nancy credits her 1970’s part-time position as an urban expansion 4-H Staff Assistant, developing programs and organizing 4-H clubs for underserved urban and minority populations, with further developing her leadership skills.