If you are among the many people waiting to buy Heart-A-Rama tickets for this Spring’s shows, now is the time.
Heart-A-Rama Producer, Jim Pautz, said tickets for the American Heart Association fundraiser are on sale online at HeartARama.org with tickets priced at $19.00.
Tickets will go on sale at the Manitowoc and Two Rivers Piggly Wiggly stores beginning March 10th.
Heart-A-Rama Strikes Gold will take place at the Two Rivers Community House from April 28th through the 30th and again May 5th through 7th as the organization tries to hit the $3 million mark this year, their 50th anniversary.
Pautz also said if you bought tickets in 2020, they have some options for you: Since there hasn’t been a show since 2019, they’d love you to consider making your 2020 ticket purchases a donation.
If you would like to swap those tickets of 2-years ago for 2022 purchases, there are 2 options.
You can come to the Behringer Room at the community house next Tuesday, March 8th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. when tickets can be exchanged and new ones purchased. Your second option is to call or text 920-645-1787 and leave a message.
The deadline for the ticket swap is Sunday, March 20th and in order to maintain their sale numbers, Heart-A-Rama can NOT exchange tickets at the door.