Dozens of golfers took to Autumn Ridge Golf Course on Monday (July 25th) as they took part in the first-ever Great Futures Fore Kids Golf Outing in support of the Boys and Girls Club of Manitowoc County.
The weather could not have been better for the roughly 50 participants and the dozens of volunteers.
Bill Bertsche, the Executive Director of the local branch said that the mood on the course was overall rather positive.
“Everybody was enjoying themselves, having a great day,” he said. “The course was in great shape. Chad and all the people here at Autumn Ridge did a great job getting things ready for us.”
Some of those volunteers actually came from the Fox Valley Boys and Girls Club, including Todd Sutton.
Todd told us he believes the Boys and Girls Club is so important for their communities because, “The Club serves a vital role in our community to serve families in need, for kids who have out-of-school time experiences where they can continue to grow and develop as a youth.”
We also spoke with Callie Brice, the Resource Development/Marketing Coordinator at the Club.
She said that even though the Club has only been in operation for less than a year, teachers have come up to them and said they have seen a major improvement in the student’s attitudes and performance.
“We also noticed kids becoming more comfortable with us,” she said. “Being able to tell us, and be honest with us when they are having troubles or anything, or if they just need someone to talk to or need a safe space.”
It is expected that this golf event will become a yearly tradition, giving the public the opportunity to support the group, and the kids they help in a fun, social way.