The following article was submitted by Maximillian John, the Manitowoc Public Library’s Information Technology Technician.
At long last, an ongoing project has finally become a reality! Manitowoc Public Library is proud to introduce its Laptop Checkout Kiosk! The kiosk—located on the First Floor of the Library near the public computer area—allows patrons the freedom to complete work anywhere they choose. Within the library that is!
All of the check-outable laptops come preloaded with Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and the ability to print wirelessly. They have USB connectivity for use with a flash drive and a 3.5mm jack that allows for headphones or a headset to be used. Unlike the desktop public-use computers previously in-place, these laptops in the checkout kiosk come equipped with a built-in microphone and a webcam.
Quite honestly, at times, working at one of the desktop computers in the public computer area doesn’t really give patrons the freedom that they might require. Not in the same way that using one in a private study room or a collaborative workspace would at any rate, where they could actively—and verbally—interact with peers. These check-out laptops empower patrons with mobility, not to mention providing additional components, such as the webcam and microphone, which gives them the opportunity to attend virtual meetings via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
The kiosk houses six Windows 10 Lenovo Thinkpad laptops, which are all integrated with the SirsiDynix software utilized by MPL. All that patrons need to do is scan their library cards and enter their library PIN in order to access a laptop and, by doing so, the system. If there are any laptops available within the kiosk, patrons can check one out for up to two hours of use within the building.
Before doing so, however, they must agree to the Terms and Conditions of the contract they’re presented with on the screen. Once that’s out of the way, the kiosk then dispenses a laptop from its specially designed bays. After their two hours have passed, patrons simply return the devices by inserting them into one of the empty bays and the kiosks automatically recharge them, wipe data from the past session, and return them to their original state. It should be noted that if a patron returns a laptop after the allotted two-hour period, the system assesses them with a replacement fee ($1,000)—and the system blocks their card until the situation can be addressed by an MPL staff member.

Maximillian John
We’ll be surveying the initial reaction to this new service and determining if there are any issues that need to be addressed or any improvements that can be made. Chances are that we’ll wait until next year before deciding to purchase additional laptops or kiosks based on the success and popularity of our initial kiosk.
The Laptop Checkout Kiosk was part of the First Floor Redesign project that was undertaken several years ago, but implementing its operation was withheld due to the pandemic, which closed the Library for a time. Some ongoing issues caused by previous PC reservation software also led to some delays, as well.
This project was funded via the generosity of the Manitowoc Public Library Foundation, and was executed by Netspot and the Library’s Information Technology department.