Photo Credit: Grahma Washatka of Rolling Stone Magazine
For many people in the Fox Valley area, it isn’t really summer until they get to attend the Mile of Music.
This year’s lineup included 20 featured artists or groups playing at various venues across four days, and it even got the attention of a major publication.
Rolling Stone included a full-page spread on the music festival, noting that the artists that play there are all independent.
One of those performers, Jamie Kent who is based out of Nashville and has played the festival seven times said of the event, “You go there and you’re famous for a weekend.”
Dave Willems, co-founder of Mile of Music and owner of the Gibson Music Hall in downtown Appleton is quoted as saying, “Our goal since the beginning was to try and figure out a way to manage the growth and expectations by letting the event find its own identity and purpose.”
You can read the full article online at RollingStone.com.