Photo Credit: Coolest Coast
What is next for Manitowoc’s River Point District?
That was another topic addressed by Mayor Justin Nickels during Monday night’s State of the City speech.
The first major project on the plot of land just north of the 10th Street Bridge was completed last week, that being the River North Apartments.
Mayor Nickels revealed that there is a lot of work planned for the District this year, noting “continuing road work and infrastructure, but you are going to see a lot of public aspects.”
The mayor elaborated, saying he and the Council wanted to make sure the newest addition to the downtown area wasn’t completely occupied by private development.
“You’re going to see river amenities, kayak launch, boat docking, bike path, street utility extensions, there’s going to be a public fire pit along the Manitowoc River,” he revealed. “Just a lot of public amenities and trail along the river there.”
There is also work scheduled to be completed on the dock wall where the S.S. Badger used to dock.
Another development is also planned to help address the housing issue.
“The Council just approved a terms sheet for eight-unit condos and commercial restaurant along the river,” Mayor Nickels explained. “That development, hopefully, if everything works on the developer’s end… should be starting in the very near future as well.”
As we mentioned on Tuesday, the entire State of the City address was 45 minutes long and contained a lot of information.
If you would like to view it in its entirety, you can view Monday’s Common Council meeting on the City YouTube Channel and skip ahead to the 23-minute mark.