A Food Truck Rally is being held this Thursday (June 8th) in Manitowoc.
It will be held in front of the Holla Restaurant, located at 603 York Street, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and is in collaboration with six other vendors.
Myke Hollahan, the Chef and Co-Owner of Holla Restaurant and Holla on Wheels Food Truck says that people will be able to “come and go to whatever food trucks they want and then go up on our patio. Sit on our patio, and our gazebo and just kind of hang out and enjoy the breeze, enjoy the food. We’ll have our bar open at the restaurant too.”
The Maritime Museum’s SubPub will be open for food truck visitors to bring their food over as well.
The event was sparked by Holla Restaurant and Holla on Wheels Food Truck owners Myke and Shannon to collaborate with other food trucks to bring an event like this to Manitowoc.
“We wanna be able to just have fun with Manitowoc and enjoy it and engage them and do more fun stuff, create more fun festivities,” Myke explained. “Manitowoc is growing, it’s creating a really cool scene for itself with all the new businesses that are coming in, the new restaurants, young entrepreneurs. So, we want to be able to grow with that and be able to contribute and do more than just hope people come and eat food.”
They hope to hold two to three Food Truck Rallies every month and add more vendors and live music as they grow.
Future dates will be announced on Holla’s Facebook page.