Two runners new to Manitowoc won their respective divisions Sunday (June 11th) at the Froedtert Medical College of Wisconsin Holy Family Memorial Marathon.
Jesse Pflederer of Tremont, Illinois, and Ashley Duellman of Fountain City, Wisconsin were the male and female winners on the 26.2-mile lakefront course.
Pflederer had the top overall time of 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 45.7 seconds.
“I wanted to run a 2:45 but ah, this was actually my first marathon,” he told Seehafer News after the race. “Running a 2:50 and a sub 3:00 I was perfectly happy with that.”
He went on to say, “I wanted to run a marathon since I got out of high school, that was about 5 years ago, kept getting hurt and right until now. And now we did it, we’ll see what’s next.”
Duellman posted a time of 3 hours, 46.4 seconds, and told Seehafer News she was mainly going for time in Sunday’s race.
“I wanted to get under 3 hours just to kind of see where I could start the beginning of the racing season,” she explained. “Was just about there, not quite, I think I was just over 3:00 (hours). But my main goal is keep going against the wind at the turnaround and just glide back!”
Race committee member Mike Cavanaugh in assessing the event admitted the weather was a little iffy, but noted, “we have about 500 happy runners here so, it’s a good day for Manitowoc!”
Those 500 full and half marathon competitors came here from 20 states for the 11th annual event that began and ended at the UW Green Bay Manitowoc campus.