The following article was written by MPL Youth Services Manager, Sharon Verbeten.
Do you know the difference between a llama and an alpaca? Well, if you don’t, you can find out when you visit Manitowoc Public Library this Friday, July 21, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Even if you do know the difference, why would you pass up an opportunity to get up-close and personal with an alpaca or two?
Real live alpacas—NOT llamas, be sure to get it right!—will be on our Library Lawn that morning, courtesy of LondonDairy Ranch in Two Rivers.
It’s a big deal because, well, alpacas are kind of a big deal in these parts. Think about it—seeing as alpacas are native to Peru, they’re usually not seen in these parts. According to LondonDairy’s website, there are over three-million alpacas worldwide and 98-percent of them live in Peru, Chile, or Bolivia in South America.
But, at this special program, these amazingly cute, supremely fluffy, and incredibly docile mammals will feel right at home on Quay Street. As will every all-ages guest in attendance.

Al Paca
No alpaca (or llama!) drama here! Miss Sharon will do an alpaca storytime, outside, around 10 AM, but be on the lookout—she very well may be arriving incognito as an individual known as Al Paca.
Kids of all ages can pet the animals, learn about their personalities and habits, and take pictures with these fine, friendly, furry friends.
But, to circle back to the difference between a llama and an alpaca—the experts at LondonDairy will be sure to flesh out the details, but suffice to say that alpacas are smaller and more docile than llamas—which tend to be larger, have different ears, and a much different disposition.
If you haven’t had a chance to see an alpaca in-person—or Miss Sharon dressed as one!—be sure to visit Manitowoc Public Library this coming Friday, July 21, for “Meet the Alpacas: A Visit from LondonDairy Ranch.”