Two area Assemblymen have named their First Responders of the Year.
25th Assembly District Representative Paul Tittl selected Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department Lieutenant Travis Aleff for the award.
Rep. Tittl notes that Aleff not only created the Cops and Bobbers program, but he also “provides security at his local church and helps train businesses, and non-profit organizations to protect its members from threats.”
Earning the award in Representative Terry Katsma’s 26th Assembly District is Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office Communications Officer Michael Brungraber.
Brungraber has been dedicated to improving public safety for over 37 years in the Public Safety Communications field and in Emergency Medical Services.
Rep. Katsma says that his actions have “saved hundreds of lives in the field and his nerves of steel have saved lives on the phone as an emergency medical dispatcher.”