Brian Keith Kamke, 57, Manitowoc, OWI (6th) on11/22/20, Guilty due to no contest plea, Defendant is sentenced to the Wisconsin State Prison System for a total of FOUR (4) years. That’s 18 months initial confinement followed by – 36 months extended supervision. Conditions of Extended Supervision: 1) Assessment, treatment, counseling as deemed appropriate by the Departments assessment process; 2) AODA assessment and follow through; 3) Maintain absolute sobriety with the exception of any prescription medications; 4) Maintain fulltime employment, schooling, work search or combination; 5) Pay court costs; 6) Pay supervision fees in an amount to be determined by DOC; 7) Provide DNA sample 8) Submit to random urine screens and pay for same; 9) $600 + cost; 10) 36 Month Revocation & Ignition Interlock Device; Defendant has credit for 2 days.
Jose Luis Angulo, 30, Green Bay, bail jumping and retail theft-intentional take on 5/9/20, Guilty plea, Count 1, Sentence is withheld. Defendant is placed on probation to DOC for two (2) years. Count 5, Sentence is withheld. Defendant is placed on probation to DOC for one (1) year. Conditions of probation: 1) Assessment, treatment, counseling as deemed appropriate by the Departments assessment process; 2) Maintain absolute sobriety; 3) Maintain fulltime employment, schooling, work search or combination; 4) Pay court costs; 5) Pay supervision fees in an amount to be determined by DOC; 6) Provide DNA sample 7) Submit to random urine screens and pay for same; 8) Defendant is to pay restitution in the amount of $329.43. 9) Have no contact with Walmart. To the charge in Count 1, Spend Thirty (30) days in the county jail, under the Huber Law. Defendant is to report to the jail on or before 01/23/2024 at 6:00pm. Defendant shall be given 14 days jail credit.
Stephen L. Ambeau, 62, Milwaukee, possess cocaine w/ intent to deliver on 3/26/18, Guilty due to a no contest plea, The defendant is sentenced to three (3) years and eight (8) months years in the Wisconsin State Prison System. Twenty (20) months initial confinement followed by two (2) years extended supervision concurrent with Milwaukee County case numbers 22CF802 and 21CF4159. Conditions of extended supervision: 1) Assessment, treatment, counseling as deemed appropriate by the Department’s assessment process; 2) AODA and follow through; 3) Maintain absolute sobriety; 4) Submit to random urine screens and pay for the same; 5) Pay court costs; 6) Pay supervision fees in an amount to be determined by DOC; 7) Submit to a DNA sample. The court finds the defendant eligible for Substance Abuse Program but not the Challenge Incarceration Program. Court finds the defendant has four (4) days sentence credit.
Joey Golden Jr., 38, Manitowoc, possession of THC on 9/15/22, Guilty due to a no contest plea, Court sentences defendant to seven (7) days Manitowoc County Jail, under the Huber Law, court finds credit for seven (7) days and deems the sentence time served. Defendant is also ordered to pay $150 fine plus costs, total $783.75 to be paid by 01-20-2024 or additional penalties for failure to pay. DNA sample ordered.
Steve L. Shimek, 56, Manitowoc, disorderly conduct-domestic abuse (2-counts) on 4/4/22, Guilty plea, The defendant is sentenced to the Manitowoc County Jail for NINETY (90) days on each count – Concurrent with each count. TIME SERVED. The defendant has credit for 96 days. The Court orders a civil judgment for any unpaid court ordered financial obligations.
Richard J. Sommers, 27, Green Bay, operating while revoked on 4/1/21, Guilty due to no contest plea, Court sentences defendant to ten (10) days Manitowoc County Jail. Court imposes costs of $443.00 to be paid within 60 days or additional penalties for failure to pay. Defendant is ordered to submit a DNA sample. Defendant has credit for 9 days. Time served.
Dean C. Zawacki, 58, Milwaukee, Fail/List Dates/Times on Home Imp. Contr. On 5/29/19, Guilty plea, Court imposes $200.00 fine plus costs, total $705 due in 60 days or additional penalties for failure to pay. DNA sample also ordered.
Jesse Lee Bouche, 49, Florence, disorderly conduct-domestic abuse on 2/23/19, Guilty due to no contest plea, Court sentences defendant to three (3) days Manitowoc County Jail. Court imposes $100.00 fine plus costs, total $679.00 to be paid by 01/22/2024 or additional penalties for failure to pay. Defendant is ordered to submit a DNA sample. Defendant has credit for 3 days.