Unofficial election results have been announced after the February 20th Spring Primary.
From the Manitowoc Public School District, the top four vote-getters include Former Lincoln High School Principal Keith Shaw, who got the most votes with 2,227, then Board Member Kerry Trask with 2,138, Current Board President Stacey Soeldner finished in third with 1,374, and Basil Buchko finished in fourth with 1,058.
These four will move on to the April 2nd General Election.
Lisa Anne Krueger and Brayden Myer finished fifth and sixth in the race, respectfully.
In the primary race for a County Board of Supervisors seat, Incumbent Bonnie Shimulunas and challenger Douglas Wolf will move forward to the General Election after being the top two vote getters with 48 and 44 votes.
For those who voted in the Howards Grove School District race, Candidate Courtney Athorp is the top vote-getter with 32.5% of the votes, while Brandon Suemnicht got second, and Incumbent Board Member Janina Siemers and President Dave Loomis round out the third and fourth spots.
In the Sheboygan City Council races, Incumbent Alderwoman Roberta Filicky-Peneski will face John Belanger in the General Election for the 2nd Aldermanic seat while incumbent Zachary Rust in the 8th district will face Jesse Roethel.
Some of the election results will be certified later this week.