The Manitowoc County farmer-led watershed group has been awarded a grant from the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection.
The Seven Rivers Water Group had its grant application approved with the goal of improving soil health and water quality across all of Manitowoc County.
While this grant will offer a huge help to the county’s farmers, Angie Ulness, Manitowoc County’s Agricultural Educator, explained while on WOMT’s Be My Guest program what efforts the farmers are already making to fight soil erosion.
“Recently, many producers, either crop or dairy enterprises, have been incorporating cover crops, low disturbance manure injection,” she noted. “Different grass waterways, different conservation practices, in order to help make sure our soil stays in the fields.”
Currently, ten farmers are a part of the Seven Rivers Water Group, but it’s gaining interest extremely fast.
County farmers are realizing the significance that this watershed group holds and what can be accomplished by joining.