The City of Sheboygan is hosting a delegation from its sister city, Tsubame, Japan, the first visit to the city in 13 years.
The Japanese delegation, consisting of three chaperones and four students, will be celebrating the 28-year partnership between the two cities.
Tsubame is located just off the western coast of Japan near the Sea of Japan and has a population of over 77,000.
The members of the delegation are Masako Kobayashi, Masaru Yoshizawa, Yoichi Miyajima, Ayuka Ohashi, Hiyori Honda, Yukari Shimizu, and Ryutaro Tanabe.
As part of the visit, a tree-planting ceremony was held yesterday (August 1st) across the street from Peace Park.
The ceremony saw seven Halesia Carolina U. Conn Wedding Bell trees planted symbolizing the growth and unity of the sister cities.
Additionally, Mayor Ryan Sorenson will formally acknowledge the Tsubame delegation at the Ninth Common Council meeting on August 5th.