The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Think Smart Before You Start Campaign will be happening this weekend.
The campaign runs from August 2nd to the 4th and will see a heightened presence of DNR conservation wardens and law enforcement on trails and routes statewide.
Think Smart Before You Start looks to make trail and route systems safer for ATV and UTV operators.
It also aims to cut down intoxicated operations while enforcing helmet and seatbelt regulations as well.
Last year, during the campaign, numerous intoxicated operators were cited for OWI, and nearly 500 off-highway vehicle contacts were made with the riding public.
The DNR also gave a list of additional tips to ensure safety: always operate at responsible speeds, use extra caution while operating on pavement, and “know before you go” (knowing and following the state’s ATV and UTV laws).
More information on Wisconsin’s ATV and UTV recreation can be found online at dnr.wisconsin.gov.