The Wisconsin Maritime Museum will be hosting a sensory-friendly event next week.
On Tuesday, August 20th, the event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The sensory-friendly evening is designed for anyone looking for a more relaxed experience at the museum.
This night at the Maritime Museum is open to anyone, regardless of age or ability level. Sensory backpacks will be handed out, and exhibit sounds will be turned down for those in attendance.
Included in the backpacks will be visual schedules, weighted lap blankets, headphones, and more.
The Wisconsin Maritime Museum also states that these backpacks can be checked out for free anytime, not just during the sensory-friendly evening.
This event is free and will give guests access to the museum as well as a sensory-friendly submarine tour.
More information on the museum and the sensory-friendly evening can be found online at