A celebration of the cheese curd is just under two weeks away.
Wristbands are available for United Way Manitowoc County’s 4th Annual Curd Crawl Fundraiser, which is scheduled for October 5th.
Participants will sample cheese curds from various downtown Manitowoc restaurants and vote on their favorite to name the Curd King of the Clipper City.
This year’s participating restaurants are Brick’s Downtown Bar & Grill, Broken Plate Catering, Courthouse Pub, The Fat Seagull, Pizza Garden, Waterfront Wine Bar, The Wharf, and Wrap It Up.
Wristbands can be bought in advance for $10 by visiting UnitedWayManitowocCounty.org.
The bands can be picked up at the United Way office on Waldo Boulevard between September 30th and October 4th or on the day of the event at The Fat Seagull, which is hosting the opening ceremony.
Basket raffles will also be held on the day, with basket descriptions coming soon to the United Way Manitowoc County Facebook page.