The Sheboygan City Plan Commission is set to review two possible new apartment projects.
The City Plan Commission will meet in the Council Chambers today (October 15th) at 4:00 p.m., and they will discuss two new proposals to build apartments in Sheboygan.
The first would be located at 1211 Superior Avenue, a former dentist’s office that has gained interest in being transformed into one unit that would house two individuals.
The second proposed apartment project would be located at 1226 North 8th Street.
The project would renovate the existing second-floor portion of the building as well as add on to the second floor to create more space for units.
The proposal involves renovating the currently vacant second floor and building over the lower level housed by retail and beauty shops.
While just proposals at this time, more much-needed housing may be coming to the City of Sheboygan.