The City of Sheboygan’s Licensing, Hearings, and Public Safety Committee will be meeting this evening.
The committee will meet in the Council Chambers inside City Hall at 4:30 p.m. today (October 16th) and will discuss new vehicles for the police department and additional education for firefighters.
Upon approval, the city would enter into a clinical affiliation agreement with St. Nicholas Hospital so members of the Sheboygan Fire Department can receive additional paramedic education.
The purchase of five new vehicles for the Sheboygan Police Department will also be discussed.
If approved for the 2025 budget, the city would purchase one new patrol vehicle, three SUVs for municipal and citizen use, and one pickup truck which would be used for parking control and be used by the Community Service Officer.
The purchase of the five vehicles would cost the city $186,723 in 2025 if approved.