United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is set to welcome new U.S. citizens in Green Bay.
100 new citizens will be formally welcomed at a special naturalization ceremony tomorrow (October 29th) at Lambeau Field.
U.S. Magistrate Judge James Sickel will preside over and administer the Oath of Allegiance while Packers President and CEO Mark Murphey will be there to offer welcoming remarks to these new citizens.
The citizenship candidates come from 32 different countries across the globe including Brazil, Nepal, Kenya, and Australia.
Oftentimes, the USCIS participates in naturalization events in locations such as museums, schools, stadiums, and other notable locations to celebrate the journey and to create a lasting memory for those voluntarily choosing to participate in American democracy.
For more information on USCIS and its programs, you can visit uscis.gov.