The Eastern Wisconsin Conference has released its All-Conference Football teams for 2024.
Conference champion Kiel and Roncalli fill the list, with the Raiders’ Cade Voelker, Bryce Gullixon, Harrison Zorn, Brady Bortz, Ryan Schad, and Emmett Langendfeld all making the first-team offensive unit, as did the Jets’ Landon Chalupny, Donovan Cowley, Kannon Kinsella, and Carter Braun.
Chualupny also made the cut for Roncalli on defense, while Zorn, Gullixon, Bortz, Jackson Barts, and Trey Bartz all earned top honors.
Earning second team honors for the Raiders here Owen McNatt, Ryan Schad, and Jeremiah Funkhouser, along with Roncalli’s Drew Reimer, Dominic Thiele, and Sawyer Van Drisse.
Austin Fisher of Valders also earned 2nd Team honors, while Peter Cigler, Jacob Brennen, Brayden Lenz, and Brody Mueller earned honorable mention status.
Nick Neuenfeldt, Zane Bergene, and Wiliam Sieracki also made the Vikings’ offensive and defensive honorable mention lists.
Also earning honorable mentions were Roncalli’s Dominik Frozena, Drew Reimer, Cody Staudinger, Kannon Kinsella, Jaco Naidl, and Kiel’s Braden April and Hunter Pitzen.