The Fox Crossing Police Department is looking for public input while they seek state accreditation.
Police in Fox Crossing have been working to attain full law enforcement accredited status with the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Accreditation Group (WILEAG).
The process requires three days of assessment from the WILEAG which will take place from November 19th through the 21st.
WILEAG assessors will be on-site at the police department at this time, examining all aspects of the Fox Crossing PD operation.
This on-site assessment includes department employees and community members via phone calls, offering comments on the department and the work they do.
Telephone comments are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with WILEAG’s standards.
Those wishing to offer comments are encouraged to call 920-720-7162 on November 20th between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
To view the WILEAG standards in question, copies are available at the Fox Crossing Police Department, located at 2000 Municipal Drive.