The City of Sheboygan has begun its Christmas tree collection program.
The curbside tree collection officially began yesterday (January 2nd) and will run until January 31st.
Trees will be picked up the same day as residents’ regular trash and recycling collection and will only be taken from curbs, not alleyways.
Trees must also be free of ornaments and decorative lights.
Trees in plastic bags will also not be accepted.
Those getting rid of Christmas wreaths can place them with their normal curbside trash to be taken by city crews.
Additionally, trees can be disposed of at the Sheboygan Recycling Center at 2026 New Jersey Avenue.
Community members are asked to place trees at the recycling center in the area normally used for yard waste and branches.
Trees collected by the City of Sheboygan will be recycled into wood chips that residents can take, free of charge.