The DATCP has opened up the application period for those interested in running to be the 78th Alice in Dairyland.
Each year, a young woman involved in the ag industry is selected to be the spokesperson for the industry throughout the state. The very first Alice was selected in 1948, and over the years, the winners have been a part of many historical events.
In 1952, Beverly Ann Steffen rode in the Rose Bowl Parade, Laura Jean Oldenberg joined rockstar Alice Cooper in a milking contest at a grand opening of a Madison record store in 1978, and Holly Meudt promoted Wisconsin cheese during the 1997 Super Bowl, which was won by the Green Bay Packers.
Applications for the 78th Alice in Dairyland can be found at AliceInDairyland.com, along with more information about the position.
The winner will serve as an agriculture ambassador for the state for one year starting on July 7th.