A local sporting group is getting a new-looking website with help from Seehafer Digital.
Manitowoc County Fish and Game Secretary Dean Halverson explained to SeehaferNews.com that their original website was built by students at Lakeshore College.
Halverson says although the original website was good with information, the unit realized it didn’t have the content and accessibility that they wanted.
With their new website, they can now show much more.
“It’s got a lot of visuals,” he stated. “It’s got a mapping function where you can look at Manitowoc County, and it will show you where all the area lake accesses are. It will show you where all the unit club locations are for meetings. And it will also show you all of the locations that Fish and Game has.”
There is also an area to share photos of the scenery in Manitowoc or of animals that were caught.
The new website was built with help from Emily Freitag with Seehafer Digital.
Halverson called the experience outstanding.
“(Emily) been great to work with, and we have a lot of support content to give her,” he said. “It was a very very smooth process, and we actually came in under budget and right on schedule. So, that was wonderful.”
The site may have a different look, but the domain is still mantyfg.org.
According to Halverson, 26 different groups make up Manitowoc County Fish and Game, and the county has over 450 acres of public land that people can use for hunting, walking, and more.