Sheboygan County is looking to fill a vacancy on its Board of Supervisors.
County Board Chairman Keith Abler has announced that, following the resignation of Jacob Immel, the position for District 19 is open.
Immel has resigned after moving out of his district, which Wards 4 through 7, 9, and 11 in the City of Sheboygan Falls.
A candidate for the office of Supervisor must be a qualified elector and resident of the supervisory district.
Applicants should send a letter of interest and brief resume to the attention of County Board Chairman Keith Abler at the Sheboygan County Administration Building.
The County Board holds regular monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Additionally, each board member serves on one or more of the various county committees, including Executive, Finance, Health and Human Services, and more.
Chairman Abler will be the one to appoint the Board Supervisor, which will be subject to the approval of the Board itself.
Applications must be received no later than March 21st at 5:00 p.m.