Reedsville’s village president is asking the council to be ready after the April 1st election because of a unique circumstance.
President Al Schriber told the council during their Monday meeting that from what he knows, there are no registered write-in candidates for his job or for another open trustee position.
Schrieber filed a notice of noncandidacy at the end of last year.
He told the village board that there will be other write-ins during the upcoming election and then the village clerk and treasurer will call those who got the most votes to see if they want the job.
If someone says yes, then the issue is solved.
However, Schreiber explained, “If they all say no, then it’s going to come down to the April 14th meeting where the board is going to have to appoint somebody. That’s going to either be somebody from the trustees that would like to advance or you’re going to have to bring in a suggestion from the public.”
He asked the board to look through their contacts or people they know in the community to see if they would be interested.
Board members asked questions about how long the person who could run the village would have to decide.
Board Trustee Terry Hansen also filed a notice of non-candidacy in December.
Anyone interested in being the village president has to be at least 18 and a resident of Reedsville.