St. Patrick’s Day celebrations tend to revolve around alcohol, but Emplify Health is reminding party-goers that not everyone wants to drink.
Emplify Health by Bellin Psychiatrist Dr. Naciye Kalafat is asking those who are hosting or attending a St. Patrick’s Day celebration, or any party for that matter, to “Help create a comfortable environment that doesn’t question people’s choices of drink and simply focuses on being together.”
Party hosts should make sure everyone they invite is aware that alcohol will be present, but also make sure they have alcohol free drink options as well.
Those attending celebrations are encouraged to stop interrogating those who choose not to drink.
The constant barrage of “Why aren’t you drinking?” can be a trigger for some who are either choosing to remain sober, or are going through the recovery process.
If you know someone in recovery who fell into temptation, Dr. Kalafat suggests you “be respectful and compassionate when approaching them. Help them navigate to a safe place away from alcohol and offer support such as a safe ride home or a recommendation to contact someone they trust.”
If you or a loved one is having difficulty with alcohol consumption or would like guidance to recovery or advice on supporting those who struggle, you are encouraged to reach out to Bellin Health Behavioral & Mental Health for additional information and to find care.