A new ordinance in Two Rivers will require a fee from vendors in city parks.
The City Council passed the ordinance at their Monday (March 17th) meeting and will require a seasonal $250 permit fee for the vendor to park on vehicle in any area designated by Parks and Recreations Director Mike Mathis.
City Manager Greg Buckley explained that the permit would be valid one week prior to Memorial Day through one week following Labor Day.
Buckley says the new ordinance also includes, “Establishing an area were those vehicles or trailers can set up in the south end of a parking lot 1, the southernmost parking lot at the beach.”
The ordinance also includes possible “black-out-dates” when vendors aren’t allowed to park in parking area of Neshotah Beach.
Vendors will also be allowed for special events taking place on Washington Street, 22nd Street, Pierce Street, or Zlatnik Drive.
The recommendation for the ordinance approval came from the Advisory Recreation Board and Mike Mathis.