A local librarian has raised money to help families discuss the topic of death with young children.
Death happens, but families are often afraid or hesitant to talk about it with children.
As a longtime writer in the funeral industry—and as a children’s librarian—Sharon Verbeten knew there was a niche in helping children deal with loss and grief.
So she applied for and received a $2,000 grant, given by The Canary Fund, to create Comfort Kits to benefit families in both Brown and Manitowoc Counties.
Brown County Central Library and Ryan Funeral Home in De Pere both received kits to serve their patrons, and Malcore Funeral Home received a small grief library for children.
In Manitowoc, the recipients are Harrigan-Parkside Funeral Home and Manitowoc Public Library, which has two kits—one for grief and loss and one for the loss of a pet.
For more information, visit thecanaryfund.org.