The Van der Brohe Arboretum, Art Park and Bird Sanctuary, located at the former Emerald Hills Golf Couse in Two Rivers, is 65 acres of what founder John Durbrow says is a place created where “people and nature can co-exist.”
In a recent appearance on After Further Review -The Coolest Coast with Jason and Tina Prigge, Durbrow says plenty of enhancements are coming this spring. “We have a trail system so that people can walk throughout the site,” Durbrow explained.
“We will be putting in a huge number of trees in terms of species. I’m currently looking at our spring planting and we’re going to have 650 trees to plant in spring and that’s over 195 different species of trees because we have only five of each kind of tree.”
Durbrow adds they want to make this a pristine avian sanctuary. He explained that they are “on The Great Lakes Flyway route, so we will be having many cultivated thickets of what I call bird berries. We intend it to be a place for habitat for migratory as well as residential birds.”
To make the trail systems more intriguing, plans are to take the former greens and turn them into rotating “earth pads”, or rotating exhibits of earth art, plus plant 44 acres of pollinating meadow to attract the “birds and the bees” and pollinators of all species.
A reminder that the entrance to the Arboretum is now located across from Machut’s Supper club on Highway 42 as the previous entrance on Riverview Drive is now privately owned.