The Manitowoc Police Department announced K-9 Officer Major will retire in May.
Chief Nick Reimer made the official announcement this week on WOMT Radio’s “Be My Guest” program.
“He was diagnosed with cancer quite a while ago actually, so we’ve had him on chemotherapy with pills and that has kind of kept his quality of life good. We do kind of hold back on tracking with him a little bit. He does a great job with drug detection so we mostly use him for that and not try to strain him too much.”
Reimer says that the M.P.D. plans on keeping two k-9 Officers on the force.
“When we send some officer to go to K-9 training, it’s several weeks probably out of state that we’re going to be without that officer, so I’d like to at least have our staffing to the point we can afford to have someone go out and do that.”
The M.P.D. Chief says they currently have five officers in training with plans to hire four more plus three pending retirements. Reimer adds when news came that Major was sick, “there’s the utmost of concern.”
As for Major, he remains excited to come to work every day and “does and always has done a great job for us and the community.”