The results are in for the spring primary.
In the statewide race, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz and Former Justice Dan Kelly have advanced to the April election in the race for Supreme Court Judge.
The statewide numbers mirror those from Manitowoc County, where Kelly received just over 4,700 votes, and Protasiewicz nabbed just over 4,000 with roughly 18% of eligible voters hitting the polls in Manitowoc County.
In the local races, Manitowoc’s 3rd District Alderman, Michael Cummings, advanced to the general election and will be facing Angela J. Meyers.
In Sheboygan, the top six vote-getters in the race for School Board were Haley S. Stuckmann, David Ross, Julie Kelly, Sara Ruiz-Harrison, Kay Robbins, and Heidi Boehmer.
They will all square off in April for three seats on the board.
And in the Valders school board race, Michael Lenzner, Ashley Henneman, Matthew James Strother, and Kelly Ratsch all advance to the next round, with Sara Murphy-Johnson falling just 24 votes short of taking the final spot.
The General Election will take place on April 4th, with even more races on local ballots.