After three years without, the Crew of the BADGER is delighted to announce the return of overnight sailing.
Overnight trips will begin on the evening of July 6th and are currently planned to continue through August 6th.
Overnight sails will only be available on the evenings of Thursday through Saturday.
Additionally, these changes will add a second departure leaving Ludington at 8:45 p.m. eastern standard time and a departing time in Manitowoc at 1:30 a.m. central standard time.
On the 8:45 departure from Ludington, passengers can expect the same amenities as they do during the day, including BADGER bingo as well as dining and bar service.
Passengers with day tickets will also have the opportunity to switch to an overnight ticket with no additional fee by calling the reservation department.
For more information on tickets as well as what to expect during the overnight sales, you may find that on the S.S. Badger Website.