The Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Department is voicing concerns over a potential contract change.
In a letter sent to residents of the area, which noted that the Town of Manitowoc Rapids is considering signing a contract with the City of Manitowoc for EMS and fire protection, which would cut Silver Creek and Rookwood Fire Departments out.
They pointed to three main reasons why this would be an issue.
First, many residents in the township do not live close to a fire hydrant. Since Manitowoc Fire/Rescue doesn’t have any tanker trucks, they would still have to call for mutual aid from the two departments.
Second, there is no way to predict what the city will propose to the township to continue fire protection and EMS coverage after the five-year contract is up.
Lastly, “residents who live within 1,000 feet of a hydrant could see a reduction in the fire coverage portion of their homeowners’ insurance. Likewise, some Town residents who live farther from the city could see an increase cost for their fire coverage.”
The Silver Creek Fire Department is encouraging residents to call Town Supervisors John Jost (920-323-3692) and Tom Wetenkamp (920-629-3195) and/or Town Chairman Josh Stradal (920-323-0357) to voice their concerns and thoughts.
Additionally, Fire Chief Joe Stanzel (920-323-6424) and Assistant Chief Kevin Klosinski (920)860-2236) are available to answer any questions you may have.