The University of Wisconsin Green Bay’s Sheboygan campus is hosting five professional workshops in the coming months.
These workshops will be on pertinent subjects for professionals and entrepreneurs in operations, human resource management, and new business development.
The first of the workshops took place yesterday (September 24th) and dealt with leading a remote workforce.
The remaining workshops will be held on October 9th and 23rd and November 4th and 12th.
These workshops will cover the topics of healthcare burnout, QuickBooks tips, demystifying AI, and grant writing.
Jess Lambrecht of UWGB’s Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training said, “We’re delivering a training series to meet the unique needs of the Sheboygan community by ensuring that education is accessible and affordable for everyone.”
The workshops will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day and will cost $39 each to attend.