The City of Two Rivers has announced its schedule for fall leaf pickup.
The city has been divided into 14 areas and city crews will move systematically through each area.
Greg Buckley, Two Rivers City Manager, spoke with Seehafer News, saying, “Fall leaf pickup is slated to begin next week, the week of October 15th.”
The Two Rivers fall leaf pickup program will go on until December 1st, depending on the weather.
The city asks that all leaves be deposited into the street gutter and not on the terrace area between the curb and the sidewalk.
Leaves on the terrace will not be collected due to the equipment used.
Additionally, bagged leaves, branches, sod, and other yard waste will not be collected and should not be mixed in with your leaves.
This additional yard waste must be brought to one of two Manitowoc County compost sites.
Updates on the fall leaf pickup program can be found on the Two Rivers City Hall Facebook page.