Jake’s StrongGinger is holding a Sheboygan County photo contest.
The contest has already opened and runs until November 1st. Jake, the company’s namesake, loved photography and Sheboygan County so the company has decided to combine the two.
To participate, you can take pictures of anyone, anything, or any place you choose, as long as it’s located within the county.
Jake’s StrongGinger is requesting contestants to send their ten best Sheboygan County pictures in digital format to jake@jakesginger.com by the November 1st deadline with “Jake’s Photo Contest” included in the email subject line.
Final judging of entries will be done by a third party, and a winner will be announced in early December.
The winner will receive $1,000 and retain the rights and ownership of the photo.
However, international usage rights will be given to Jake’s as well in consideration of the prize.