The Manitowoc County Historical Society is celebrating Archives Month in October.
The National Archives has deemed October Archives Month and the historical society is celebrating its collection of the county’s history.
An archive is defined as a physical or digital collection of historical records or curated online or physical information relating to a particular theme.
The theme of course here is the history of Manitowoc County.
Their archive has over 10,000 3-D artifacts, more than 16,000 document records, and over 25,000 photo records from across the county.
Many of these historical items date back to the earliest land purchases in Manitowoc County in the 1830s and 1840s.
When thinking of an archive many may not think of buildings and structures, however, the historical society’s archive does include the Pinecrest Historical Village as well.
The Historical Society has also stated that their extensive archive of the county is, in large part, due to a community that is highly engaged with preserving local history.