The City of Sheboygan is now one step closer to officially adopting a waterfront and marina master plan.
Earlier this week, the Public Works Committee met, and one item they discussed was the master plan.
The committee passed a resolution adopting the waterfront and marina master plan, which will now go before the Common Council.
If the council shares the same feelings as the Public Works Committee, the city will officially adopt the master plan.
The master plan has been developed over several months and has laid out five major goals and priorities.
Those goals focus on community gathering, economy and education, lakefront amenities, ecological functions, and connectivity.
The city, working alongside The SmithGroup, conducted a survey for the public, which saw over 700 participants. This feedback was used in the current “refinement” stage of developing the master plan.
While not official yet, the waterfront and marina master plan will go before the Common Council on Monday (October 21st) which will decide if it will be adopted by the city.