The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is getting ready to hold a week’s worth of events honoring veterans.
The Veteran Services Department of UWGB will start the festivities off on November 9th at Military Appreciation Night at the Women’s Basketball game against the University of Northern Iowa where all military members will receive one free ticket to the game.
On November 11th, a veteran POW/MIA Table will be held inside the University Union and will be led by Cadets Elizabeth Eckes and Joshua Mikula.
The 19th annual Chancellor’s Reception will take place on November 13th in the Weidner Foyer.
The reception will focus on honoring and recognizing new and graduating military students, donors, and recipients of veteran scholarships at the university.
All events being held will be open to the public for both veterans and supporters alike.
More information on UWGB’s week of honoring veterans can be received by contacting Veterans Services Coordinator Nicole Stockman at