There are three meetings on tap for today (March 17th) in the City of Manitowoc.
First up is the Plan Commission, which will hold a special meeting in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
The big item on the agenda is the potential release of easement for the Mid-Cities Mall properties.
Essentially, this means the City of Manitowoc would no longer be responsible for the property, and it would instead go to Mariner Lux Subdivision.
Then, at 6:00 p.m., the Committee of the Whole will take over the Chambers, where they will enter a closed session to discuss the acquisition of a pair of properties on Sylvan Drive and South Parkview Road for “park purposes.”
Closing out the night will be the Common Council, which will convene in the Chambers at 6:30 p.m. They will start by swearing in K9 Rolo and will administer the Oaths of Office for Police Officer Brett Stout-Rojas and Motor Pump Operator Christian Rodriguez.
They will also discuss the previously mentioned property acquisitions along with three requests to rescind partial 2024 tax bills.